BBC Scotland British Brainwashing Corporation

On Thurday, the preliminary findings of the UK Covid Inquiry were published. Baroness Hallett, the chair of the inquiry summarised the findings as: “The processes planning and policy of the civil contingency structures across the UK failed the citizens of all four nations of the United Kingdom.” And how was this…

The diverging paths

Now that the dust has started to settle on the outcome of the Westminster election and the SNP’s not so shock defeat, it’s time to reflect on what the result holds for the future – not just in Scotland but across the rest of the UK as well. The first takeaway…

There’s little lipstick for this pig

We need to be honest with ourselves here, there is very little lipstick to be put on this pig. It was an unqualified disaster for the SNP. I knew that the SNP was going to perform poorly when John Swinney said that if the SNP won most seats in Scotland it…

Vote for Scotland’s interests, vote SNP

Tomorrow it’s get rid of the Tories day. After fourteen years of miserable vindictiveness the Conservatives are on the way out. The Tories are in for a historic defeat. According to some opinion polls they could even be left vying with the Lib Dems for second place, which would strip them…

The end of the Tory nightmare, a worse one on the horizon

We are in the final stretch of a Westminster general election campaign which, if the polls are accurate, will finally spell the end of fourteen years of a cruel, nasty, chaotic, corrupt, and incompetent Tory government which has presided over the devastation of public services, a huge rise in poverty, deprivation,…

Vulture politics

It’s obvious now who is going to win this Westminster general election. It’s going to be won by flag shagging British nationalists. We also know that it won’t be the Tory by flag shagging British nationalists, it will be the Labour by flag shagging British nationalists who have adopted a slew…

The rise of Farage spells the fall of the Union

Yesterday an opinion poll gave a result that was previously unthinkable. The vanity party of Nigel Farage, the hard right racist bloviator who has been a plook on the face of British politics since the 1990s, overtook the Tories as the second most favoured party in the Westminster general election. According…

It’s all over for the Tories

It’s all over bar the weeping and wailing and gnashing of Tory teeth – Rishi Sunak can afford to go to a private dentist and has never needed to worry about the struggles involved in getting registered with an NHS dentist – so as he ruminates upon the magnitude of the…

Mappa Kernow – a Cornish language map of Cornwall

It has been over ten years in the making, but at long last my Cornish language map of Cornwall is back from the printer. This map has been produced jointly by myself and the place name panel of the Cornish language umbrella body Akademi Kernewek and its predecessor, the place name…

Goodbye and good riddance, Douglas Ross

Goodbye and good riddance Douglas Ross, you won’t be missed. Scotland’s leading political hypocrite and back stabber has announced that he is standing down as the leader of the Scottish Conservatives. He also announced, in a shameless instance of hedging his bets, that he will also stand down as an MSP,…

Nasty Tories in a panic

The Tories have a well deserved reputation as the Nasty Party and during this general election campaign as they stare at electoral devastation in the face, the Tories appear to have decided that the reason they are so unpopular is because they are not being unpleasant and out of touch enough….

Farage’s emergency announcement, an emergency for whom?

Nigel Farage is the herpes of British politics, annoying, nasty, and impossible to get rid of. After saying for weeks that he wouldn’t be contesting the general election for his Reform party vanity vehicle, and that Reform would not be doing any deals with the Tories, Farage announced on Monday morning…