Health update

I thought I should keep you all posted about what’s going on and why I’ve not been blogging this week. As regular readers may recall, my mother has been battling ocular cancer which resulted in her losing her left eye. Unfortunately, the cancer has now spread to her liver and we…

Seasons of the Witch/the Revolutionary Road

“Once Folk was dangerous – and still is.” ‘Folks Not Dead’ argues Grant McPhee as he opens our new TOP 20 series exploring Scottish Folk’s heyday and radical counter-culture roots and tendrils … At some point in the relatively short history of popular music, Folk became unfathomably unfashionable. This wasn’t proportional to other genres, such […] Source

The Geography of Hope in Dark Times

After being challenged by more than one reader about being overly-negative, I’ve been exploring this issue of the relationship between hope and realism, between despair and leadership. One reader wrote: “This site has descended into a spiral of bitterness and negativity. While I don’t necessarily disagree with anything written, I find the tone the articles […] Source