On Getting Rid of the Tories

You’re not voting in a normal General Election. The landscape has changed completely and is rapidly changing further before your eyes. Just as you are living through a rapid climate deterioration – the consequences of which you dare not even imagine – so too the political realities you have been used to all your life […] Source

The War on Trans People and Colluding with the Politics of the Right

The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht Review, edited by Susan Dalgety and Lucy Hunter Blackburn, Constable Press £22.  Review by Gemma Clark Some years ago in Glasgow, I was approached by a man who was giving away free copies of religious texts. He caught my eye and seemed perfectly pleasant, so I spoke to him for […] Source

Going Forwards

After the Swiss game I was hassled for saying the euphoria was misplaced, that we hadn’t played THAT well and that the defence was still terrifying. Well, I was right. Steve Clarke has been carried forward by a back-catalogue of success that has masked a tired, uber-cautious and stilted approach that can be read and […] Source

Why Vote?

Watching the election coverage is like watching a Mirror World where whole chunks of reality are missing. Some entire political subjects are ruled out in advance – others are mislaid or ignored as being ‘off the map’ of acceptable discussion. You are left with banality and a discourse of subjects often nothing to do with […] Source

Vulture politics

It’s obvious now who is going to win this Westminster general election. It’s going to be won by flag shagging British nationalists. We also know that it won’t be the Tory by flag shagging British nationalists, it will be the Labour by flag shagging British nationalists who have adopted a slew…