Our Fathers Fought Franco: an extract

Our Fathers Fought Franco (Luath Press, £12.99) by Lisa Croft, Willy Maley, Jennie Renton and Tam Watters is a resonant piece of working-class history that contextualises and goes beyond the Spanish Civil War experiences of International Brigade volunteers James Maley, Donald Renton, Geordie Watters and AC Williams.  Condensed from ‘Not made with rosewater’ by Jennie […] Source

Do Scotland’s school pupils learn enough about our history?

 Some people have claimed Scottish history isn’t adequately represented within the Scottish education system. We sent Ros Nash to check the facts on this issue. As part of a Scottish parliament debate in January 2021, SNP MSP Kenneth Gibson said: “The snapshots of Scottish history now taught at National 4s and National 5s are much […] Source

Battery recharging

I need a wee break from the blog in order to recharge my batteries. I am having another bout of fatigue – although these episodes are certainly getting less frequent, less intense and less long lasting than they were in the months after the stroke. However we have visitors coming to…

On Canada’s attempt to stem its unrelenting drugs epidemic

Jamie Maxwell explores North America’s unrelenting drugs epidemic – and Canada attempts at a opioids trial. On 31 January, British Columbia launched a limited experiment in the licensing of hard drugs. For the next three years, anyone in the province aged 18 or over will be allowed to carry a small amount of opioids, including […] Source

Launching a currency will be straightforward, but we need to plan

IN this series of articles members of the Scottish Currency Group outline the case for a separate Scottish currency – the Scottish Pound – to be established as soon as possible after independence; highlight the transformational opportunities this will enable to address present economic and social challenges facing Scotland; and answer questions about how the change is likely to affect households and businesses in practice Source

A matter of (dis)respect

Members of Holyrood’s Finance Committee have for a second time written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, asking him to appear before a meeting of the committee in the Scottish Parliament so that he can answer MSPs’ questions about the impact of British Government economic and financial policies on…